Coding teaches me the vocabulary and language of developers, which fosters better collaboration and enhances the practicality of my design. It also enables me to better understand how my work fits into the larger system and to identify potential impact at earlier stage.
Of course, I do absolutely LOVE the moment when my code runs smoothly!
Image Blog
Skills: HTML & CSS
A simple image blog webpage coded from scratch, with different image hover effects.
Movie Trend and Actor Popularity
Skills: Python and collaborative coding
Working in pairs, I learned and utilized The Movie Database's (TMDB) API and the Bokeh visualization library to create a simple visual representation of our analysis.
The code I wrote could analyze the popularity of the films of a particular actor - chosen by the user, over that actor's career. TMBD does produce a popularity score for each film, but this is really a measure of how popular that film is on the TMDB website. Instead, I used movie profit (how much the movie earned in revenue minus the amount of the movie's budget) as a proxy for popularity.
Python code on Github.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Skills: Python; JavaScript
Applied Python packages to perform sentiment analysis and identified top emotions for a particular Twitter user based on the real data taken from Twitter API.
Extracted the percentage of words, most common words and hashtags for a specific emotion across all tweets for personal and organizational users.
Python code on Github.
The text-based output from Python script isn't the most friendly to read or interact, I then implemented the Twitter Sentiment program that runs in a web browser, enabling people to search for a Twitter user and view an analysis of the sentiment of their timeline without needing to use the command line.
JavaScript and HTML code on Github.